Testimonials for Training4K9s
Over the past 24 years, Connie has helped people to build healthy, happy relationships between themselves and their pets. Here are a few words from some of them.
Devo and Amelia
Connie is very knowledgeable and has a great demeanor with people and dogs. Our dogs are in an unfortunate situation where we may have to rehome someone and I was sick over it. The week leading up to Connie’s visit at our house I was preparing for that which felt inevitable
and when she came over I was amazed at how much progress the dogs were able to make in only 2 hours! We still have more work to do, but I now feel confident that it is possible to be able to keep both dogs in our home, as well as knowing that we have given it an earnest try to do so if we do eventually have to rehome someone.
Connie has given us multiple ways to work with them and ideas for how to integrate this training into our home and routine. She has been communicative with any follow up questions I’ve had and I really feel that she cares about her clients and their dogs well being. She even gave us an unexpected discount on our consultation because our dogs were rescue dogs! Definitely recommend to anyone who finds themselves in a situation where their dogs’ behavior seems impossible to fix – it likely isn’t as Connie has shown us!
June 16, 2022

"Don't Ever Judge A Book By It's Cover", that's what we truly believe after rescuing Sam our German Shepherd. Sam came to us a scared, abused, no confidence and a very vocal dog. When we first brought him home and took him to his first vet appointment, I thought we got the most dominant aggressive dog by the way he acted towards other dogs at the veterinarian's that day. . . .

This was our last straw, we were about to give up. Our new puppy, Nikki, a six month old Akita, was supposed to be a happy addition
to the family but instead was becoming a terror! She was chewing and basically destroying everything!! Leaving her home during
the day with Pugsly, our two year old pug, was becoming a frightful event! Nikki was also such a chore to walk because of her
extreme pulling. . . .

We almost gave up. I had a new rat terrier/Papillion mix puppy that I was positive was going to become a well-socialized member of the family. After a few trips to the local park, I was beginning to think differently. She would constantly bark at everyone and everything that moved. Even though she only weighs 10 lbs, I thought she would pull my arm off. She wanted to jump on and play with every person and animal in sight. These walks were not enjoyable at all. I was constantly apologizing to people for “our” behavior . . .